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Hummingbirds are on the move, see when they arrive with a Smart Feeder!

Now is the Ideal Time to Set Up Your Wild Bird Feeders

While many people enjoy feeding their backyard birds year round, it isn't necessary. Taking a break from feeding birds in the summertime is good for birds, as it makes them use their natural foraging habits to find the sustenance that they need. Now that temperatures are dropping, though, this is the perfect time to get out your wild bird feeders and get them filled.

Many birds depend on wild bird feeders later in the winter, when natural food sources begin to become scarce. By putting the feeders out now, though, you'll be able to establish a safe feeding ground for your backyard friends. Plus, it's great to look out your wintery window and see wild birds enjoying the food you've set out for them. It may help remind you that spring will soon be on its way! Don’t worry if you go away on vacation or forget to fill your feeder for a few days--most birds have multiple sources of food, and they’ll wait for your return.

Be sure that you place your wild bird feeders in a place where roaming cats won't be able to get to the visiting birds, and choose a feeder that prohibits squirrels from depleting your seed supply. If you don't have a wild bird feeder, or need to purchase a second one due to so many visiting birds, check out our online selection. You'll find feeders of all shapes and sizes at great prices, plus any other accessories you need to make sure the bird population in your neighborhood stays well-fed all winter long!