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Hummingbirds are on the move, see when they arrive with a Smart Feeder!

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How it Works
First, notify us prior to making your purchase. We'll need to know where you found it and we'll need the web address or phone number of the retailer. Once we've verified the price, we'll make the change in our system for you and our other customers. We'll also send you a coupon code to use for the additional 5% discount.

We're even willing to match a price up to 15 days after your purchase. The refunded price difference and the 5% match, will be credited to you in JCs Wildlife store credit.

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The Guarantee does not apply to: Amazon Add-on items, offers for subscribers (such as Amazon Prime or club discounts), offers that include financing, bundling of items, free items, pricing errors, overseas sellers, overstock or liquidation sellers, mail-in offers, competitors' service prices, items that are advertised as limited-quantity, out of stock, open-box, clearance, refurbished/used items, Deal of the Day items, Midnight Sale and special hour sale events, Clearance & More and Marketplace items, temporary or special offer items, and items for sale Thanksgiving Day through the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Also, our prices include shipping. When comparing prices we will compare our price to the competitor's price, including their shipping charges (unless they include free shipping too-- minimum purchase for Free Shipping does not apply).