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I purchased the red pepper seed logs, and my birds absolutely love it, especially the ones with meal worms. I’ve had toques, warblers, wood peckers, nuthatches, flickers,juncos chickadees, house finches, and more.
... and so do we! Every 10 days or so, three large (3 lb.) suet cakes are consumed in our backyard by Downy and Hairy Woodpeckers, Clark's Nutcrackers, Gray (Canada) Jays, and Chickadees. Evening Grosbeaks, Steller's Jays, and Magpies gather suet and seed that drops to the ground. (Red Squirrels and Red Foxes also benefit from what falls to the ground.)
Solid pole and better customer service.
Appears to be very well made.
Greg is THE best!!! He gave beyond excellent service to get my extension pole.
Definitely best customer service ...EVER.