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Hummingbirds are on the move, see when they arrive with a Smart Feeder!

Let Birds Make Your Home Their Home with Wild Bird Feeders

The birds are starting to chirp! Make sure you're keeping those cute birds around to enjoy your spring and summer days! There is nothing like waking up to nurturing bird sounds everyday letting you know its time to wake up.

Are you wanting to reward the birds and make them stick around each year? With our wild bird feeder you will be able to do just that successfully. We have many different wild bird feeders including brome bird feeders, and hummingbird feeders. But we can’t forget the most important part! What is a bird feeder with out great wild bird food to spoil your wild birds with? At JCs Wildlife you can trust that you will be able to get every product you need to keep your birds happy and healthy.

To get into detail about our wild bird feeders,our fan favorite is the Birdscapes 289 Copper Sip & Seed, Bird Feeder & Waterer. With this great feeder your birds will be eating and swimming in luxury! They won’t know what to do with themselves with having bird food and water in one wonderful place. With this great technology available to be put in your yard, we know birds will never leave and make your home their home. This product is made of glass and has an antiqued copper finish with a unique double silo design. The silo design makes for easy open for feeding and watering. You will be able to fatten up your wild birds with over 1 lbs seed capacity. Don’t forget your birds will be able to keep hydrated with over 22 oz of water available!