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Are You Nuts?! March is National Peanut Month! |JCs Wildlife

March is National Peanut Month


March 1 is Peanut Butter Lovers' Day

According to the National Peanut Board, the average American consumes more than 6 pounds of peanuts and peanut butter products each year.

However, humans aren't the only creatures that enjoy this protein-packed legume.   Many bird species, such as jays, chickadees, titmice, and woodpeckers prefer peanuts.  Other species that have a harder time accessing the meat through the shell enjoy suet with peanut butter or ground peanuts as an ingredient.  Why not celebrate the month by bringing this nut to your backyard friends?

Check out our peanut and peanut butter products made specifically for your backyard friends here!

**TIP** Squirrels, bears, raccoons, and other animals also enjoy peanuts, so please be aware when feeding with peanuts or peanut butter.