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It's Peanut Butter (Not Jelly) Time! | JCs Wildlife

It’s National Peanut Butter Day! January 24th is the day to eat a spoonful (or whole jar) of the tasty food spread we all know as peanut butter. It has been enjoyed by people commercially since the 19th century, but humans aren’t the only species that love this delectable treat! Birds also have a thing for peanut butter. Birds love our Pine Tree Farms Peanut Butter Suet! Peanut butter is not only nutritional, but also packed full of energy for the birds. These peanut butter suet cakes will fit in any of our JCs Wildlife Suet Feeders! The birds love the tasty protein because it helps them fuel up especially in the cold winter months. Find out more about winter birding tips!

Peanut Butter Suet

Fun Peanut Butter Facts

  • Peanuts aren't even nuts! They are actually legumes (pealegumes doesn't sound appetizing).
  • Archibutyrophobia is the fear of getting peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
  • There is a jar of peanut butter sitting in the cabinets of 75% of American homes right now!
  • The world's largest peanut butter and jelly sandwich weighed 1,342 pounds!
  • It takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12 ounce jar of peanut butter. 

Sources: National Peanut Board, Mother Nature Network